Friday, December 15, 2006

Down Under

I'm off to Australia for a four-week holiday with friends!

We will start off in Sydney, rent a campervan there and drive it up to Cairns whilst enjoying ourselves along the way with activities such as camping, diving, snorkling, mountainbiking, hiking, partying, and in case we get bored we could have a game of Zombies or Puerto Rico. Nude of course. From Cairns the idea is to get a flight back to Sydney. On the way back to Holland we will also spend a night in Tokyo. And I am afraid The Dude knows exactly where to go..

Along the way we will try to look out for the Yowie (thanks for the warning Kaeru).

My plan was to finally get one of those oilskin coats down there. So when I come back I could look something like this:

I may try to update my Jaiku presence every now and then so keep an eye out for that.

Finally a chance to use my stubby holder again!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Hot Banana Down

My Hot Banana weblog is down. :-(

I was running it on my own old Pentium III 450 computer at home. I think one of the hard drives finally broke down. But of course I have a nightly back up.. (ehm...)

Anyway, I will be posting on my Blogger blog for the time being. Maybe I should switch to a hosted service anyway since some of my readers have been complaining about the slow responsiveness of my blog.